Since I haven't written in well over a month, you get more randomness from me!
Matt found a job about 3 days after I posted the last post. Talk about blessed.. thank goodness for family. My brother helped get him on at Aaron's, which is where my brother is a General Manager, and he is a Management Trainee working his way up to General Manager, which will be a GREAT opportunity for him. He started on Oct. 25th so he is on his 3rd week there and really loves it. It has been tough not seeing him all day, going to lunch with him everyday and not riding to work together, but it makes our time together at home, at night, that much more special. He finally got his uniform"shirts" in the mail so I can stop ironing dress shirts, dress pants and ties.. which is my reason/excuse for no blogging. And yes, I have heard about a thing called "dry cleaners", but I really have not had time to drop off and pick up so I have been doing it all on my own. Blah.
And the 100 mg of clomid was a no go.. my progesterone level was actually lower with 100 mg of clomid than it was with 50mg.
Up to 150 mg of clomid for this cycle, which I finished this past weekend. Since, I have been talking myself out of getting naked and sitting inside of a deep freezer. I am hot, hot, hot, hot.... and I don't mean sexy. I mean hot.. I like to call them heatwaves... because they start at my head and work down and before you know it I can feel sweat coming from my pores. It's during the night while sleeping, during the day while I am sitting at my desk, whenever. Hot. I had some MAJOR pains last night in both ovaries. It was almost intolerable, and sweet Matt rubbed my back to help me fall asleep. My OPK sticks are slightly getting darker, and its only CD13 ... normally they don't start getting darker until day 20 or so.
OH, and I am going to the Nutcracker Market on Saturday with my sister in law and niece on Saturday!! For anyone who lives around Houston and hasn't been... GO... it is such a treat. I actually have some money put aside for this trip so I am super excited.
Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!! I am loving everyone's thankful blogs and Facebook post. If I weren't so behind I would totally participate!!
Time to go ice down this hot body.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Randomness Part 2.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Bad News
We found out today that Matt is going to be laid off at the end of the month. ):
They did give him notice so that is a good thing, but I am hoping that he finds something soon.
He immediately came home and started looking things up on the computer.
Please keep us in your prayers!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:26 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
On to the new cycle!
I called Miss Nurse lady today and suprisingly she called right back with my results. I love it when they call you on your desk phone and work and you can't talk because if you even mutter the words "ovulate" or "levels" over the phone with her my cubicle neighbors might hear and GASSPPPP.. think I may be pregnant when I am in fact not.
Anyways, she said that on a medicated cycle they like to see the Progesterone at a 10 and mine was 1.5.
She called in Clomid, at 100 mg this month and we will try, try, try again!
Oh, and PCOS sucks, and I have horrible heartburn.
That is all.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
She has arrived!
AF that is...
Right on time..
28 days.
Never in the 20ish years that I have had a period have I had one for 6 months now in a row. And since August it has been an exact 28 days cycle!
Headed in the right direction?
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:26 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Stay Golden Pony Boy.. (Random stuff)
- OU Beat Texas for the first time in 4 years. Matt is a huge OU fan, and this game is big in our household. Looks like he will get to wear the pants this year. I have been wearing them for 4 years and ready to give them up. But my Longhorns need to SHAPE up.. immediately.
- Matt, my dad, my brother, and I all had the stomach flu/virus this week. Mine just happened to come on Monday, the day I am supposed to do payroll at work. My boss helped a ton, but I felt terrible leaving it with her. I tried to go in, I sat in the car for an hour and threw up and just couldn't do it. A week later, I still get these hot flashes and cold sweats. It was a rough one. Leave it to my body to make me throw up and have pregnancy symptoms the week before I am scheduled for AF.
- Being home that day, I decided to take pee on a OPK stick, and it was a bold bright positive. Weird. Day 20ish.. and I was just now ovulating? My last cycle was 28 days so that would not give it enough time to implant, etc.. right?
- I went in for Day 21 blood work on Thursday to see if I ovulated. I haven't heard back from Nurse "Vacation day when I really need her" but I am having some very light spotting. Maybe pre-AF?
- I am super ecstatic about my Fall TV lineup... it will get its own post, no worries there.
- I have had two Scentsy parties in the last two weeks, and its been real fun. I should be good and ready for Christmas, which is where the extra cash is going to go towards. I had one today, along with two co-workers who sell Premier and Miche Bags and we booked another party in late October, and we are already having one in late October.. so two more this month! We are like a traveling band, lol.
- Matt bought a fish aquarium yesterday. It started with an idea of a small one, which turned into a pretty big one for our first aquarium, which turned into a ton of money later. I am glad he is excited about it though, he doesn't treat his self like I do with my silly indulges. He is always pretty smart about money and he works hard so he deserves it too. Anyways, we set it all up and were supposed to let it sit for 24 hours before we added fish to the mix, and so last night he couldn't wait and we added 6 fish we bought at Wal-Mart. He woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me that all 6 fish were dead. We went back this morning after church and he bought an Oscar and 5 small red fish. The Oscar ate all the red fish and now is laying on the gravel like he is too full to move. I don't know if he will make it or not.
- We went and saw Case 39 on Friday night and LOVED it. I love scary movies, and this one had a good story to it. It was pretty creepy though.
- I missed the Texas Rice Festival this weekend!!! This is held right by my hometown and I was in the parades in high school, danced on the stage in drill team and have gone pretty much every night of the festival from the time I was in high school on. It's always a high school reunion, and really cool to see everyone and their families, but the best part is the freaking food. The yummy, amazing, indulgent food. They have rice balls, cajun Pistolettes, Ka-bobs, gumbo, boudain balls, and pretty much anything else you can think of. I almost checked with my folks to see if they could pick me up some rice balls and froze them for me so I could eat them later.
You are pretty much all caught up now (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
And no positive OPK yet. Not a one.. not even close. I am guessing 50mg of clomid did nothing to my ovaries. I will go in on CD 21 to confirm whether or not I ovulated, and then they will increase my dosage of clomid from there. They knew I did the previous dosage at 100mg, so I wonder why they started me at a lower dosage since that one obviously did not work.
I really am not frustrated because I know that this new doctor has a plan, and its alot less drama filled that the RE I was seeing before. She kind of gives you the tools, and then you are on your own. You only go in once a month so there is really no stress in that for me. Smooth Sailin'.
My dream and ultimate goal is to tell my family one Thanksgiving dinner that we are pregnant.. Looks like I only have one more month to make that happen for this year. I have always just pictured that in my head, and think it would be sooo neat since everyone would be there together, and we all say what we are thankful for. Boy, wouldn't that be something to be thankful for???
My body is used to the Metformin now.. I am up to 1500 per day and still getting sick to my stomach but not near as bad. I have been super tired lately, but that is nothing new. I need energy.. STAT.
Besides all that fun, I am loving that Fall TV is back. I missed Glee and am soooo excited it's back on. If you haven't seen it, you are truly missing out.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:46 PM 2 comments
The "US" Survey
1. When is your “engagement” anniversary:
March 31, 2003
2. When is your “marriage” anniversary:
March 27, 2004
3. How long have you known your spouse:
9.5 years
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged:
almost 2 years
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
@ Gamestop- I interviewed him for a job. Yep, you heard me right.
6. What is your spouse’s full name:
Matthew Wayne Durbin
7. Do you have any children:
Nope );
8. How many – boys/girls:
n/a :(
9. Do you have any house pets:
Yep - 3 dogs
10. Do you own a house or rent:
11. Do you live in the country or town/city:
The beautiful suburbs of Humble/Atascocita Texas
12. What is one of your favorite activities together:
13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
Vegas- fo sho
14. When did you first kiss?
That first day (sluttttt)
15. What church do you attend?
Woodlands Church (Kerry Shook)
16. Is this the church you were married in:
nope...we were married at Assembly of God in Humble.
17. What town is your current address at:
18. Do you work or stay at home:
19. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
we went on a cruise to Cozumel!
20. What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
He gave me these little ceramic apes that he got from the Kentucky Zoo.
21. How long have you been together?
Almost 10 years!
22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
5 minutes?
23. Who asked who out?
I am certain it was him.
24. How old are each of you?
He is 33 and I'm 31
25. Where do each of you go to school?
no school, but we work together
26. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
spending time with both sides of the family equally, and money of course
27. Did you go to the same school?
28. Are you from the same home town?
29. Who is smarter?
Totally him
30. Who is more sensitive?
Him, LOL.. I am a hard ass. jk
31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Pizzini's for lunch at work
32. Where is the farthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Either Cozumel or Vegas.. once we drove to Chicago.. that was a LONG drive!!
33. Who has the craziest exes?
Neither really.. we are lucky
34. Who has the worse temper?
Both of us equally
35. Who does the cooking?
36. Who is more social?
Probably him
37. Who is the neat-freak?
38. Who is more stubborn?
Probably Me
39. Who hogs the bed?
That would be him.. he is 6 ft 6 so he stretches all limbs out
40. Who wakes up earlier?
Me, hands down..
41. Where was your first date?
the interview I guess? he sort of never left after that
42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
43. Do you get flowers often?
44. How do you spend the holidays?
with both families- Have you seen Four Christmases?
45. Who is more jealous?
46. How long did it take to get serious?
5 minutes again?
47. Who eats more?
Him , gosh can he eat!!!
48. Who does the laundry
Me , he doesnt even know that we have a washer and dryer
49. Who’s better with the computer?
50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.
Duct tape and a banana...
Have fun together, laugh often!!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Blackberry Margaritas
So I haven't tried these personally, just found the recipe on another blog. YUM. Not that I need help feeling like I have been drinking these days, but I will be trying this soon, because I am a big Blackberry kinda girl.
Blackberry Margaritas
Serves 2
1 shot triple sec
3 shots tequila
1/2 shot black current liquor
1/2 cup blackberries
1 6-ounce can limeade
1 cup crushed ice
Combine the all ingredients in a large pitcher. Using a big wooden spoon, muddle the blackberries so they are pretty much all crushed up in the drink. Serve with additional blackberries and a lime wedge.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day!! Today was my day I swore I would sleep in because I have been up at the crack of dawn the past two days but it was no bueno again this morning.. I will back up and give you the run-down on how the past 4 days of this has gone, and today so far also. I realize this is all TMI, but I will not even go into the detail that I should and when I say bathroom you just think about the worst time you went to the bathroom with the most terrible stomach flu. That is what this feels like..
Thursday night- start one pill with dinner... "This isn't bad at all! Why did they tell me to hang around a toilet??"
Friday morning- slightly nauseous, but maybe from the pre-natal vitamin?
Friday lunch- Stomach starts gurgling 3 minutes into my chicken enchiladas. Got back from lunch and had to run across the parking lot, full force to the bathroom that is not in the main building so I am away from co-workers. Thinking I wasn't going to make it, and so thankful the bathroom was in a vacant office and it was a one-seater.
Friday night- Bathroom, Bathroom, Bathroom and one more pill at dinner terrified because of my white shorts I was going to wear to the UT game.. Should I take it or not? I will go ahead and take it.
Saturday morning- "Why is this room spinning and when did I drink vodka and how do I not remember it?" It took my well over an hour to get out of bed because I was afraid I would vomit. It was tiny slow movements at a time, but I had to let my dogs out in the backyard to potty. My schnauzer was standing by the front door, so I went ahead and let him out front because he is normally pretty good about staying by me and in our yard. Lesson learned. He sees a cat across the street and chases it all the way down the street and around the corner. I am running after him screaming, and I don't know what was louder.. my yellin' voice, or my stomach gurgling, but I am sure both woke up the neighborhood. I finally got him, and had to carry him back to the house, and I am cold-sweating by this point.
Gametime- I could barely eat my food, I wasn't too hungry, but as soon as I got home, bathroom, bathroom, bathroom, and Matt and I went to dinner, and came home and bathroom.
Sunday- went to church and went to eat after church.. bathroom, you get the idea, it's anytime I eat at this point.
Made it to Beaumont, went to the movies with my ladies, and made it home and was in pain by the time I got home last night around midnight because my tummy hurt so bad. I felt like the side effects lessened alot this day so I went ahead and started 2 pills a day last night. I have to work my way up to 3 by the end of the week so thank goodness it's a long weekend.
Today, I was a little nauseous when I woke up, but nothing like Saturday. I have had to take two bathroom breaks during the time it took to write this blog, but hey.. at least we know it's working... right ?
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Follow-up on Bloodwork
She said that I absolutely have PCOS- so thank goodness I don't need to change the title of my blog. LOL! My testosterone was a little high for a female.. I think she said average was 1.something for a female and mine was 2.0. Not too high, but definetely above normal.
My glucose and cholestrol came back perfect, and let me tell you how suprised I was to hear that on the cholestrol. I do no have the healthiest eating habits but all 5 of the different levels were right in the middle of range. Good news!
My prolactin level was high- as if I am breastfeeding, LOL.. She said it could be from my nipples being overstimulated.. WHAT! I started laughing hysterically after my face twisted with question.. BOOB man right here folks.. LOL!
Anyway, she said she might check this level again when (if) I get pregnant and before then I cannot have any nipple stiumlation for like 72 hours. We're gonna have to lock him up.
So all across the board, the news wasn't so bad after all. I am on CD 25 right now, and I will start clomid on CD5 whenever I start my period. I am starting to get the rhythm down on this whole period thing, and I am waiting for it anyday now. It's like I am 13 again, only trying to get pregnant. I started Metformin on Thursday night and the side effects are gruesome. Metformin gets its own blog- stay tuned..
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:50 AM 1 comments
A Dream for the Future (Day 30- finally)
I think this one goes hand in hand, or word for word with Day 29.. to have a baby, and for my friends who are trying so hard to also have a baby! We are ready!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:49 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Baby Makin' Latest
Sooo... I got the 6 vials of blood, bloodwork done on August 5th. Yep, you are right, it has almost been a month. Where did the time go?
Dr. B's sweet nurse (being sarcastic) is to thank for that. I called, and called and called and called to get my results, and when finally someone was able to locate me in system, she tells me "Oh my, you are going to need to speak with a nurse".. I freaked out, naturally.
Once sweet nurse finally returns my call, she tells me she can't release my information until the doctor reviews it.
Fast forward another week, to last Thursday, when she finally calls me back to tell me that Dr. B would really just like to meet with me to discuss my results, and helped me make an appointment for this coming up Thursday. Which is right at 4 weeks.
Wow. I hope they don't work this way if I get pregnant and want to have blood work done to verify, or gosh knows what else may come our way, test-wise.
So needless to say, the ovary scraping, throbbing, and numbing pain I have been experienceing, and all the baby dancing goin' on, will probably be interrupted by stress from, "Oh my, you are going to need to speak with a nurse."
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 10:05 PM 1 comments
Hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days (Day 29 on actual Day 31.. lol)
Hopes: That me and my fellow friends that have been trying so hard and so long will get pregnant. I cannot imagine what reaction I would have to see a positive pregnancy test, after seeing 5 bajillion negative ones. I really have no clue what I would do, besides carry it in my purse with me. (Add to day 28, what's in my handbag)
Dreams: Very vivid dreams.. in color maybe? Pregnancy dreams!
Plans: Planning baby showers for named fellow friends, and planning on how I am going to turn this office into the most adorable nursery ever.
Alright now, better stop before I jinx something.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
What's in my handbag (Day 28)
In my purse..
Prescriptions (Synthroid, Cytomel)
Water pills
Movie ticket stubs from tonights movie, Vampires Suck
Cell phone
Lip gloss
Sweet pea body splash
Free Lotion from a hotel we stayed in
Scentsy sample of Paradise Punch
Headband (random)
Matt's wallet
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 12:47 AM 0 comments
My Worst Habit (Day 27)
My worse habit is biting my nails. I hate it, my hands are ugly, and I wish I could stop ); When I was little my Gran used to put this stuff on my fingers that made it taste super bitter whenever I would bite them but I kept doing it and still do it to this day. Gross.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 12:44 AM 0 comments
My Week in Great Detail (Day 26)
This will be super hard now that I did not do this post when I should have, when it was fresh on my brain, but I will try.
Sunday- drove back from the River, ate chicken spaghetti at Nicole's moms house when picking up Khloe, got home, loved on my dogs, went to Best Buy to return FloTV because it sucks, got home, ate ice cream and watched True Blood with my love.
Monday- play catch up at work from being out on Friday. Fell asleep early when I got home. Matt started a new basketball league at church so I dropped him off on the way home, and then had to go pick him up when he was done, at 9pm.
Tuesday, worked, went to lunch with a Vendor, worked more, brought co-worker out to eat. Matt worked late and I watched a double header of Glee.
Wednesday- See previous post!
Thursday- Worked, ate DQ again since it was soo delicious on Wednesday, came home from work, Matt played basketball again and I cleaned and did laundry.
Friday- Worked, came home and watched The final Destination, waited for Matt to come home, went to Wal-Mart for baby gift.
Saturday-TODAY- Went to bank, went to friends at work's son's football game, went to Party City to get helium tank for a friend's baby shower. Blew up balloons when we got to the shower early, baby shower (Won the poopie diaper game), came home and took a nap, cleaned my downstairs, fell really hard on the concrete outside, ate concrete, have huge road burn going down my right leg (anxious to see if I will be able to move tomorrow), went to eat dinner with friends at Gingiss Grill, went and saw Vampires Suck.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Day in Great Detail (Day 25)
Woke up
Put eye drops in my eyes because I slept in my contacts
Brushed teeth
Washed face
Wet, gelled and scrunched hair to put in a barrette
Let dogs outside to to bathroom
Let them right back in because they were awfully "barky" this morning
Took medicine
Yelled at Matt to hurry (we ride together to work)
More Yelling
Had lunch at Dairy Queen
Felt scraping on my left ovary.. could it be?
Worked More
Went to happy hour with girls from work (and Matt)
More scraping on my ovary (:
Went to Sonic for ice
Came home
Chillin in my jammies (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Where I live (Day 24)
I live in Humble, Texas. I moved out here from Fannett, Texas in 2000 when I was a young eager 21 year old and I met my sweetheart the following year in 2001. Humble is north of Houston and west of Beaumont and isn't really known for anything, but there are some wonderful mom and pop resturants that people drive all over to go to like Humble City Cafe, Humble Inn, Los Vega, and Italiano's. YUM!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:26 AM 0 comments
A Youtube Video (Day 23)
This was the song of the weekend whenever we went to New Braunsfels. We sang it at least 32 times. Not your typical river song, like David Allen Coe or Johnny Cash, but we sang the mess out of it. I am posting it because I love these kids from Glee and this makes my heart swoon.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:15 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
A Website (Day 22)
Isn't she beautiful!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 5:46 PM 1 comments
A Recipe (Day 21)
2 qts of chicken broth
1 stick of butter
3 cups of self rising flour
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
salt & pepper to taste
Place chicken & butter in large pot. Add chicken broth. Boil until chicken is done.
Dumplings: Place flour in in large bowl and make a well in center. Add milk and vegetable oil. Stir to make a firm dough. Knead a few times until dough is no longer sticky. Add more flour if neccessary.
Roll out dough on floured surface and cut into strips. Drop dough into broth. Stir frequently. Water may be added to make a larger quantity without diluting flavor. Add salt and pepper to taste. cook 10-15 min's on low
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 5:38 PM 3 comments
A Hobby of Mine (Day 20)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 5:31 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Talent of Yours (Day 19)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My Wedding (Day 18)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:35 AM 2 comments
An Art Piece (Day 17)
Once upon a time (a few months ago really) Matt and I went to Hobby Lobby for scrap booking stuff for our Vegas trip. We got a little sidetracked (totally normal) and bought canvases and paints because we were going to each make a painting. It was a Saturday, we had zero plans, and we were right in the middle of watching a Season of the Office, so how perfect would that be? I threw down some old sheets in front of the TV , we got some ideas of what we were going to do.. and looky what my husband did.
Pretty Amazing!! He was looking at a picture in Slam Magazine, and together with his love of the game, this is what he came up with. My lil' Picasso.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:29 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Song that Makes me Cry (Day 16)
This song reminds me of my sweet grandmothers who were both wonderful ladies, and loved their family more than anything. I miss them both everyday.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My Dream Home (Day 15)
How do you like my lazy river that goes all the way around my mansion? Haha.. I am not sure if is really a lazy river but my dream home would surely have that.. complete with a hair salon, pedicure room, a huge room for my dogs, and a fabulous movie theater.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 10:33 PM 2 comments
A Non- Fiction Book (Day 14)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Something you are OCD about (Day 12)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A recent photo of you (Day 11)
Recent picture of me.. in LAS VEGAS! And my sweet husband of course. My sister in law took this, and we saw it posted on facebook later.. and the way the flash is in the picture with our already pale complexions- Matt said we look like angels (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 10:50 PM 1 comments
A photo taken of you more than 10 years ago (Day 10)
This was definetely more than 10 years ago, in 1997 to be exact, right after I graduated high school at our Operation Graduation. That is me on the far right of course!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
A Photo you took (Day 9)
This is Murray and he has my heart. I look forward all day to when I come home and he yells at the top of his lungs and makes pig noises, so excited for me to come home. And if I forget something in the car, he screams at the front door until I come back in. He follows me- always on my heel, and I have to pretend like I am going outside in the backyard for him to go out there so that he will use the bathroom. I love it when he tilts his head like in the picture. I love my dogs (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:03 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
A Photo that Makes you Happy (Day 7)
This sticks out in my head.. with me being the huge Texas Longhorns Fan and my sweets being the huge Oklahoma Sooner fan... this was only appropriate on our big day. To the right of the cake is an OU/TEXAS chess set with football players as the chess pieces (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 6, 2010
20 of my Favorite Things (Day 6)
- My hilarious, handsome husband
- Food Network
- The baby clothes section at Target
- Mexican food
- Crawfish
- The Texas Longhorns
- Fancy cupcakes
- My doggies
- My couch
- My cousins
- US Weekly
- Spending time with my nieces and nephews
- A good book
- Las Vegas
- Cheddars
- Saturday mornings
- My BFF's from high-school (Karen, Carmen, and Terica)
- College Football
- Comments on my blogs!! haha!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:43 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Dr. B*
I am posting a blog other than the "all about me in 30 days"! I went to my first appt. today with Dr. B and let me just tell you that I freaking love her. She was AMAZING!! A breath of fresh air if you will. She spent a good hour with me, looking over my history from the Fertility Institute, talking to me about options, success stories- which I love to hear, and she even took care of my yearly while I was there...
First off, we talked about my thyroid, because she noticed I was on Synthroid and Cytomel, and by the time we were done talking she was convinced that was the problem, and I "probably wouldn't even need her help getting pregnant". Exact words.
I told her that with the Synthroid, I had my period 3 times already, once each month since I have started taking it, and that was probably the first time in years I had it on my own without the help of provera. She was very concerned that the Fertility Institute did not test for my thyroid, because she said she had worked with them many times in the past and thinks that should have been the first thing they tested for. She thought maybe I overlooked the test, so we got online to FI's portal and I showed her all the bloodwork I had done, and sure enough, no thyroid panel. She even brought it up to another doctor who was waiting on another patient, because that doctor had done training at FI.. she could not believe it either. Lucky me, what a waste of time, and money I guess. I told her I had to stop going there because of the cost, and she assured me she could do all the same things, and wanted to start quickly back on clomid. I am fasting tomorrow morning (nothing after midnight after all.. I have Jason's Deli on the way right now to hold me over until tomorrow after the test) and doing bloodwork with her-both a full PCOS panel, and a cholesterol test also so that she can determine if I need to get started on any other type of medications that might complicate a pregnancy. Love her. Already thinking out of the box. I am just so happy with the way things went.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:49 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Favorite Book (Day 4)
Ok, so I have read this book about 12 times since I was in high school. There are 4 more that complete the "Landry Series" of this VC Andrews book. It's about a girl who grows up in the bayou with her grandmother and grandfather (who is a drunk). Her mother died when she gave birth to her at a young age and she was raised by them, and later finds out her father is a rich creole living in New Orleans. She ventures out to find him and learns that she has a twin sister, who was raised totally different than she was. I highly recommend it!
What's your favorite book?
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:08 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
My Favorite Movie (Day 2)
Back for more fun!
Again, I could not choose just one, so here are my top three favorite movies. There are more so trust me, this was about as hard as picking a favorite song. In no particular order..
And.. And..... I laugh so hard everytime I see this movie!
I have a few honorable mentions that simple could not go un-recognized.
The Little Mermaid and Walk the Line
Can't wait until tomorrow (: This is fun!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
My Favorite Song (Day 1)
I have a few... so here goes..
"What's Going on".. 4 Non-Blondes
"Din Da Da" ... George Kranz (Yeah, don't even ask. I spent 15 years of my life trying to find the name of this song, that I heard in 8th grade. I finally found it last year thanks to my stepdad who knew exactly what song I was talking about. I spent all that time singing it to the guys at Camelot, FYE, and every other music store and they had no idea what I was singing. Anyways, I LOVE IT!
And although there are more, this one reminds me of my sweet husband. I love him so much, and thank God everyday for bringing him into my life. He is my everything. He makes me laugh when I am in the worst of moods, and I know we are in this together. I love you Matt.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:55 PM 1 comments
30 Day Blog Fun!
I came aross this on a twitter buddy's blog... and thought... HOW FREAKING FUN! And the 1st of the month is a great place to start. I will update each day.. and by September you will know all about Heather (:.. if you didn't already. Thanks amaprincess!
Day 1 - your favorite song
Day 2 - your favorite movie
Day 3 - your favorite television program
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your dream house
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - a dream for the future
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Results Part Two!
I told ya all kinds of doctors appt's were in the works.
Back it up- had bloodwork done last Thursday, got results in today so I went in for my follow up on my thyroid evaluation.
**If you are new to my story, I am have been on 88 mcg of Synthroid since the end of April. I was going back for bloodwork to see if the Synthroid made BOTH T3 and T4 work at the end of 3 months.**
I found out today that it made the T4 work, but NOT the T3.. which I am ok with. Now, I take two pills a day.. Synthroid 88 mcg and Cytomel 25 mg. I guess I go back in 3 more months to see if this works, if not, he will increase the Cytomel. My levels were great on the T4 so I am continuing on that, and the T3 was the exact same as it was in April. SO weird. The doctor thinks this will kick up the metabolism a notch and make me feel alot better.
All this talk of T3 and T4 makes me hungry, because they remind me of Taco Bell's menu.. and I am pretty sure the T4 is two tacos and a mexican pizza! YUM! LOL!
Oh, and speaking of Taco Bell-(or NOT speaking of Taco Bell ) I have lost about 12 lbs! My work britches are even getting baggy (: Time for new clothes? Sure, why not? Or better yet, back to that section of my closet!
Next appt: Thursday August 5th with the great, wonderful *Dr. B*.
I hope she doesn't disappoint.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I'll Never..
You know the drinking game "I Never". Yeah, I have played it a time or two. Well, this is my "hoping for pregnancy" version of it called "I'll never".... feel free to leave a comment and play along.
- I'll never... complain of morning sickness- ever.
- I'll never... complain about waking up in the middle of the night, even if 100 times, to feed my baby.
- I'll never... complain about not being able to booze it up while I am pregnant. Yeah, you heard me right.
- I'll never...complain about not being able to see my shoes because my belly is so big. I can see my shoes just fine when they are not on my feet, and I am ok with that.
- I'll never... complain about "breast leakage". If life hands you leakage, grab the lemons and make Leak-onade.
- I'll never... complain about having to pee all day. Bring it on frequent urination.
- I'll never... complain about constipation. Blessing in disguise, enough said.
- I'll never... complain about the smell of eggs. Who really likes the smell of eggs anyway, pregnant or not pregnant? Not me.
I can't wait to have morning sickness, cankles, pee all day, and be constipated.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:35 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
3 doctors, in 3 weeks!
It' GO time!
This might get confusing.
I have made my appointment with the new doctor *Dr. B* that I have been waiting to see. Whenever I called yesterday to make the appt. the soonest I could get in was September, the END of September. I made an appt. at the same place with a different doctor, *Dr. M*for August 5th and then researched Dr. M a little bit more when I got home last night. I found that Dr. M was very new, and I am sure she would be great, she was not Dr. B who I have so patiently waited for, and have tons of recommendations. I even met her myself last year when she delivered my sister in law's baby. She was GREAT. Anyways, back to *Dr. M*- she is fresh out of school and wasn't even listed on my insurance website as a Obgyn, but as a DO. And I am sure this is snobby, and I am sure she is great, but it worried me sick that I would be spinning my wheels yet again. I tossed and turned on it, and found another Obgyn in the same vicinity, different hospital, that I thought I would try today. We will call him *Dr. F*. He specializes in infertility and had outstanding reviews, so I made an appt. with him for next week, and thought about canceling my appt. with *Dr. M*.
SO get this..
I got the confirmation email about my appt. with Dr. M, but only it said ... DR. B!!!! My first choice!! I was soo excited! I dont know how that happened but I have it in writing, or.. er.. typing, and you betcha I will print that out when I go to my appt.
I am keeping my appt. with Dr. F for next week since it is so soon, and I would like to meet with two different ones because .. well.. they might have totally different plans or opinions. I also want to get pricing on IUI treatments in case that is the next step.
Here is my schedule..
Next week, meeting Dr. F, Thursday @ 2
The next week, Thyroid bloodwork, and results to find out how synthroid is working.
The next week, meeting Dr. B, Thursday at 10am.
2 doctors are better than none. (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July!
What a cute little guy! No -I did not get another dog, I just found a picture of him online but I thought it was fitting. Rest assured, my dogs will be dressed up also, obviously.
We are headed to the lake today for a good ol' American day of water sports, food, and fireworks, and most important.. FRIENDS AND FAMILY!
Yesterday we went out to Katy Mills and watched "Eclipse". It was so good! I think the characters really fall into place in their characters in this one. Not that they didn't before, but now, officially for me, they can never play any other roles, as they will always be Jacob, Edward, Bella, etc. It just wouldnt be the same to see them play a different role. I liked the new Victoria too, she did a good job. I was pretty much anti that whole situation for a while but I think she was great. I can't wait for the next one. Matt asked me before it started (as he also did for New Moon), "Is this the one where he changes her?" LOL.
Also, I got a visit on Friday night from AF. Only 20 days since the last visit. Girls on synthroid, is this normal? I am thinking maybe my dosage might be too high. I called my 24/7 Nurseline through Blue Cross Blue Shield and they did not seem to be too worried about it. She was a registered nurse and she tells me to call my doctor. Thanks. If it wasn't a Friday night on a holiday weekend, I would not have called her.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a very safe and Happy 4th of July!!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Eclipse, holiday, infertility, synthroid
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Day 1 complete!
It was pretty tough, but I am glad I did it, and already feel like I have more energy for the day than I normally do by this time.
My wonderful cousin, Mallory, told me about an app for her Iphone that tells you when to walk, and when to run and I thought that sounded wonderful so I checked my blackberry (no Iphone for me.. yet) and low and behold, they had it too!! I downloaded it right away and used it and it was super helpful. For those of you who are training and/or trying to get in shape, this was a great tool, and it keeps a log as you go.
Thanks Mallory!!! (and Happy Birthday a little early!!)
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
This and that..
Lots going on!
I will try to touch on everything, as I have been a terrible blogger lately, but we have really been busy. I know.. EXCUSES, EXCUSES..
Anywho- here goes!
Matt's birthday was June 16th, and we had a romantic night deep in the heart of the Galleria. I surprised him with a stay at St. Regis hotel, at which I got a really great deal via Gotta love that priceline. It was a $200 room and I got it for $75 plus their fee of course, but it was still half off. The room was beautiful, granite, fully loaded bar with candy bars, chips, liquer, etc. The bath tub was huge, complete with two robes with slippers (which we tried out, obviously) and the staff came by the room around 7:30 pm that night and brought us some water bottles, an ice bucket, and a nifty card that told what the weather would be like the next day. Only downfall, to me, and I just hate paying for this anywhere, was the PARKING. First, we had to valet, no other choices there, and of course you tip them, and have to wait for your car whenever you are going and coming, and second they charged us $30 to park at the hotel overnight. OMG!!!! $30!!! I wasn't trying to be cheap because it was my honey's birthday, but my goodness. We did have a great time though, and we hit the Galleria of course (great sale at Bath and Body Works), checked out the new Lego store, and ate dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We brought our cheesecake back to the room for dessert, and it was YUMMY!!!
This past weekend my brothers, sister in law, niece, brother's girlfriend and her son all came to stay with us. We had a BLAST!!! We went to the Zoo, took them to our favorite Italian spot in Humble, and even went to the Woodlands for some really good shopping. Oh, how I heart my family, and wish I could see them more. I did not want them to leave, but they promised they would be back soon, and I am holding them to that (:
And now for the reason you are probably here.. the baby making update! I know what you are thinking, "Just get to the good stuff!".. haha..
I am on my 3rd month of Synthroid, and since I have had 2 cycles, which have been right on time, to the day. The first visit from AF (Aunt Flo) came while we were in Vegas, and I was shocked, but excited. I was certain it was the medicine, and still am 100% certain that the medicine is to thank for the timely cycles. If you have read my blog back from when I started, you know that I do not start on my own, and have only started my period or had a period with the help of Provera in the past. So- YAY for Synthroid, and again I am at 88 mcg per day. The 2nd cycle came right on time, 28 days from the first one, and that just amazes me. I will tell you, and this is TMI so if you don't want to know then don't keep reading, but these two cycles have been the heaviest I have ever had, like ever. This last one, yep, 14 days!!!! And there was nothing light about it. I finally had to call the doctor, who told me to stop taking the Synthroid if it didn't stop soon but it did that next day so I am assuming I am not dying. I get my blood work done soon for my thyroid and they will be able to tell if my T3 and T4 are both working. If not, I will have to change meds. I didn't "chart" any the first cycle because I was in Vegas, and not prepared for any of that, but I did use Ovulation sticks. I was a little confused because the line was allllllllllllllllmost as dark as the control line, but not quiet. I don't know if that means I ovulated or not because I have seen some online that show a really dark bold line, but it was nothing like that. So, once I complete this 3rd month of Synthroid I will be able to go get my bloodwork done to find out what my next step is. I know it wouldn't even make a difference to take clomid right now, until all this is straightened out so I am being patient.
OH, and the Couch to 5k update.. I did it one day (last post) and haven't done it since. It was sooo hard, but I am sooo out of shape. Matt is going to help me tonight as I try to do it again. I need him to keep an eye on the clock as I run a minute, walk a minute, run a minute, etc.
One more thing- Eclipse comes out today and it is KILLING me that I am not there, or going for the midnight showing, but work is crazy with it being hurricane season and I really need to be there, not sleeping because I was out late watching a movie about vampires. But, I tell you, it is killing me. I will go first thing this weekend though!
Until then (;
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Couch to 5k
Happy Saturday! This week just flew right on by. Not alot planned, but sometimes that is a good thing. Last night we watched "Requiem for a Dream" and I was really weirded out. I like weird movies, like "Hostel" or "Saw" so I did like it, but it made you think. Today Matt is helping some friends with their floors, since he is a PRO! I am going to clean house, spend some time with the dogs, and I am going to start my Couch to 5K program today.
Couch to 5k is a program on where couch potatos (Me) can start off gradually and work their way off to being able to run 5 miles in a 9 week period. I really like the idea of it because as I said before, I really want to be a runner, but running always hurts me and I get tired way too quickly, as in after one minute. I don't think this is solely because I am so out of shape, because whenever I was going to the gym all the time I couldn't ever run more than a minute.
So, I start today and here is my schedule.. The whole first week looks pretty much like this and I will be back tonight to post how it went..
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Have a great Saturday!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:09 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
How cute does this look? I love how they incorporated Pink (singer, not color) in the trailer, and when she says. BEST. DAY. EVER.
I think it comes out in October or November. Either way, I am there.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Run, Forrest, Run!
Here's the deal. I want to be a runner, but I hate running. I mean, I really really really hate running. I am inspired constantly by mom's, co-workers, family and friends that are runners, and I love how much energy they have and how they say it's "peaceful" to run. I want this.
We have a treadmill in our garage and believe it or not there is a TV right in front of it WITH CABLE!
What's stopping me you ask? Well, to be honest it hurts. My knees, my boobs, my tush, my feet. I know I probably need to get some better shoes, but until then I will just start doing a little a day and gradually work my way up. I would love to be able to run a mile straight, without stopping.
Any advice from any of you who run? How did you work your way up to that point, how much do I start out with? HELP!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
What happens in Vegas..
Stays in Vegas right? The only thing I would love to bring back to Texas is that delicious food!
We had a blast in Vegas, but were glad to go home. Here is a little break down of each day we were there. NOTE: Next time will probably only be a 3 day trip, not 6. What was I thinking?
Friday: Not in Vegas yet, but we left work a half a day and went to get a few last minute things at the mall. I got my hair did, highlighted, Matt got his hair did, and we got a few shirts for the trip. On the way home we got pulled over and got a ticket because our registration sticker was (and still is I might add) out. Booo!
Who get's a ticket right before Vegas? I just knew I would win money at that point.
Saturday, early, 2am-ish.. : Couldn't sleep, weather was horrible, no electricity, cell phone died, horrible tooth ache, I am talking horrible as in I wanted to pull a Castaway and yank it out with an ice skate. If only I had an ice skate..
4am- Wide awake at this point, put some vanilla extract on my tooth and it seemed to help. Got Matt up and we headed to Hobby Airport to catch our flight for 9am. (Side note: We live down the street from Intercontinental airport, literally down the street, but Southwest airlines had so many better deals that we couldn't pass up.)
We got to Vegas at 10am Vegas time, which was about a 3 hour flight, and we went straight to our hotel. Our friends Josh and Nicole met up with us as soon as we got to the hotel so we took off to go find the rest of the gang
.. My brothers, sister in law, her sister, and my cousin, and our friend Juice. We all bought our tickets to see Peep Show that night with Holly Madison, and Matt and I went to eat a buffet at Planet Hollywood with Josh and Nicole. Then, we went to the new Aria Hotel and I won $200!!!! I was sooo excited!!! I cashed out and bought me a new Coach purse, obviously. Anyways, we went to see Peep Show that night and it was good. It was really cool seeing Holly Madison.
She didnt have a huge part in the show, but it was just awesome seeing her in person. She is tiny of course, and absolutely beautiful. And in case you were wondering, she does "take it all off". My hubby didn't complain, haha.
Sunday we met up with everyone for breakfast, and then Matt and I hung out with Seth and Juice all day at the Bellagio because they were leaving that night. I hated to see them go.. we just got there! That night we went to Aria with Matt and Kim and then just hung out back at our room.
Monday morning we went to the Aria's breakfast buffet. Let me just tell you that this was the best food I have ever eaten in my life. It was sooo good! And it was very reasonable. It was only $14.99 per person, and it was so worth it. After this we went to the outlet mall and that is where I got my Coach purse. Matt found some size 16 Nike basketball shoes so he was very excited too. We also got sucked into this "magic" thing called Mr. Fuzzy. It looked so neat, but I am thinking the sales girl was scamming us because it had a string attached to it, and the magic of it was that it looked like it was alive.
That night we went to the Old School Vegas and it was very neat! None of us had been before so it was an experience. We ate the dinner buffet at the Golden Nugget and watched a little bit of the light show.
Tuesday we ate the same breakfast buffet again. It was THAT good! Matt and I went and checked out Mandalay Bay and the Luxor. Both awesome hotels! We went to the Bodies ( where the people donate their bodies to science) exhibit that was at the Luxor hotel and it was just ok. I didn't LOVE it, but for $70 I probably would have just held on to my money. I wouldn't do it again.
That night we went to see Zumanity again. We went last year and LOVED IT! It was just as good, if not better this year.
Wednesday our group left us!! We ate lunch at Pink's Hot dogs. I saw on Twitter how Holly Madison and Kim Kardashian love it and have their own hot dogs there so I thought it would be cool to eat there. It was pretty good!
We ate that night at the hotel and I met one of the guys from Zumanity that night! I got my pic taken with him.
Lots of walking, gambling, and eating, and we had a blast and loved every minute of it. Whenever we got home I just knew I had gained at least 10 lbs but I had lost 2 lbs!! I love you Synthroid! It also didn't hurt that I could barely open my mouth because of the tooth ache for the first 3 days. (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Results are in!
Drumroll please!!!.....
I have low thyroid!! Well, there are two different ones that affect metabolism and infertility and both are low! They are T3 and T4, and if I understood correctly the T4 makes sure that the T3 works correctly. He wants me to start on medication to get the T4 working so that he can see if the T3 falls into place from the T4. I am starting 88 mg of Synthroid tomorrow, and he gave me a sample of a lower dosage just in case it makes me feel funny. Yikes.
I have a 2 month supply of the 88 mg, and go back before the 2 months is up to get my levels re-checked to see if the T3 should be treated next. Most likely- something I will take the rest of my life. But- hey- if it makes me feel better, gives me energy, helps me lose weight, and most importantly gives me a baby then I am all for it. The doctor said this was the best $25 I could have spent, having the test done. That makes me happy.
Other than that, Matt and I are watching the NFL draft picks tonight, talking a little smack, and I am actually emotional watching these big ol' boys getting phone calls and crying, and then huggin' their mommas. One guy didn't have his family at the table with him and that was what starting the gigantic lump (or is that my thyroid (; ) in my throat and then tears just started flowing. Geez!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Messed that up..
1. Where is your cell phone? attached to my hand
2. Your significant other? upstairs, trying to have a conversation with me when he could just come right now
3. Your hair? dark brown right now, but highlights soon! (can't wait Amber!!)
4. Your mother? wonderful
5. Your father? wonderful
6. Your favorite? favorite what??
7. Your dream last night? about work
8. Your favorite drink? Diet Dr. Pepper
9. Your dream/goal? to be a mother!
10. What room you are in? I am at our bar, so half living room, half kitchen?
11. Your hobby? Scentsy!
12. Your fear? people I love dying );
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? a mom
14. Where were you last night? right here, and we watched the new Night at the museum
15. Something that you are not? quiet
16. Muffins? choc. chip!
17. Wish list item? a baby
18. Where you grew up? Fannett
19. Last thing you did? watched American Idol.
20. What are you wearing? Demagogue shirt
21. Your TV? expensive haha
22. Your pets? Josie, Cash, Murray
23. Friends? love them (:
24. Your life? amazing!
25. Your mood? exhausted
26. Missing someone? my family and friends
27. Car? Ford Explorer
28. Something you’re not wearing? bra- yep. I said it.
29. Your favorite store? Kohls
30. Your favorite color? purple
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Last time you cried? Yesterday
35. Who will resend this? noone
36. One place that I go to over and over? work
37. One person who texts me regularly? Monique
38. My favorite place to eat? Zydeclaw
39. My favorite food? crawfish
Ok. I just realized I was supposed to answer in only one word!.. How does that make me feel? Stupid.
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:20 PM 0 comments
I had my bloodwork today for my thyroid and OH MY GOSH... it hurts! That's a first, and normally I can tolerate pain, but they stuck my arm, couldnt find a vein so PULLED BLOOD FROM MY HAND!! I am sure this is totally normal, but it burns like hell, and I have a hole in the top of my hand now and blood was squirting out the top like a oil well. No exaggeration.. well, maybe a little. Needless to say I need to drink more water- I am dehydrated. The doctor assumes anyways because of the whole "no vein" adventure. I beg to differ, bloated tummy and all.
I go in Thursday for my results, and to find out about my thyroid. I will say that once I lost the 10 lbs from my last post I have gained 3, lost 4, gained 2, lost 1, etc.. back to 10 still. This past year has been extrememly hard to lose weight. I am starving- all the time and don't care to eat grilled chicken and green beans when I get that hungry. I also have ZERO energy and don't feel great about myself. I am excited for Vegas, but am not excited for the size clothes I will be in, or even excited for how I look and feel. I get on the treadmill for about 20 minutes and I feel as if I have walked 5 miles to the snow.. uphill. You catch my drift.
Ready. for. results.!!!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
One week weigh in
Well, almost. But close enough! I have lost 10 lbs!!! I am so excited and have really been enjoying my meals. Tonight (and last night and probably tomorrow night) I have been eating buffalo chicken salads. SO YUMMY!
I will keep ya posted on Operation Vegas (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So here's what's new...
We booked our VEGAS vacation. So excited. We went last year for our 5 year anniversary and had so much fun that we are going back!
This time my brothers, Matt and Seth, sister in law Kim, her sister Sierra, and my cousin Josh are all going too! Also, our buddies Josh and Nicole are going with their families.. get this.. THE SAME TIME WE WILL BE THERE!!
We are soooo pumped, and are focused on looking our best. I have been working out 3-4 times a week, and working on increasing that. Matt has been working out 5-6 times a week. He is a machine I tell ya. He is doing P90X.. tuff stuff.
I went to the Dr. this week- one of those weight doctors that you pay "cash only" to, you get a prescription, and they tell you to come back in 30 days. This time was different because he actually spent about 30 minutes with me talking about food choices. We talked about my PCOS and how hard it has been for me to lose weight and he suggested I have my thyroid tested. I have many of the symptoms besides it being hard to lose weight.. cold hands/feet, bloating, fatigue, trouble concentrating.. etc. I checked all the boxes on their survey sheet that led him to believe, and then he felt on my throat and was pretty certain I need to be checked. He "warned" me that as soon as I am put on thyroid medicine I would need to start using protection.. HAHA. Yeah right. I told him we were all about babies, and he showed me his wall of babies of women who told him they couldn't get pregnant, and did because so many people are undiagnosed with thyroid problems. Also, I started a **no sugar** diet last week and it's going really really well. I snacked all weekend on stuffed jalapenos with cream cheese and bacon! YUM!! I have been eating sugar free jello, lots of turkey/cheese roll ups, and lots of eggs. I will let you know how I do on my weigh in next month. I am looking forward to Easter next weekend!! Yay for Spring and this BEAUTIFUL weather!! OH- and YAY for Flip flops!!!!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Still not pregnant.
Great title right? There has been a complete hault to our baby making just with so/many things going on lately. The holidays, work, personal things going on, my dog- Murray broke his leg, yadayadayada. I am better now, and ready to go at it full force. I finally got my first cycle since the clomid and I have been having some straight up hurtful pains in my ovaries. Cyst? I am sure so.
I am not saying I am taking a break, but I do want to have a few regular cycles before I start clomid or soy isoflavones again.
I still have not made my appointment to go see the different doctor yet, just waiting to get back on track. I think that is all they would tell me anyways, so save that $60.
I have been seeing lots of twitter infertility friends coming up pregnant lately, and that makes me really happy. Good to see that there is HOPE!
Matt and I have been talking adoption a little more lately. Something to think about-even if we do get pregnant on our own we definitely are keeping that option open.
I vow to be more loyal to my blog, to make more time for it. I am not saying by no means I will blog everyday, but for sure will try a few times a week.
Hope you all had a great holiday season! See you soon (;
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 12:28 PM 0 comments