Sunday, January 24, 2010

Still not pregnant.

Great title right? There has been a complete hault to our baby making just with so/many things going on lately. The holidays, work, personal things going on, my dog- Murray broke his leg, yadayadayada. I am better now, and ready to go at it full force. I finally got my first cycle since the clomid and I have been having some straight up hurtful pains in my ovaries. Cyst? I am sure so.
I am not saying I am taking a break, but I do want to have a few regular cycles before I start clomid or soy isoflavones again.
I still have not made my appointment to go see the different doctor yet, just waiting to get back on track. I think that is all they would tell me anyways, so save that $60.
I have been seeing lots of twitter infertility friends coming up pregnant lately, and that makes me really happy. Good to see that there is HOPE!
Matt and I have been talking adoption a little more lately. Something to think about-even if we do get pregnant on our own we definitely are keeping that option open.
I vow to be more loyal to my blog, to make more time for it. I am not saying by no means I will blog everyday, but for sure will try a few times a week.
Hope you all had a great holiday season! See you soon (;


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