Friday, March 8, 2013

Photo Dump- Part one

Happy Friday! I am sure it's alot happier for some because of Spring Break but I am still excited about having no plans this weekend.

Here are some things we have been up to lately.. photo style!

I helped out with a super cute "Double Feature" baby shower for my pal, Amanda, who is having boy/girl twins! I have known Amanda for about a year and a half, and she was the first person I met at my job (literally, she interviewed me, ha! ).  She made me feel so welcome when I didn't know anyone, included me in conversations on my first day, and we ended up finding out that we both went through similar struggles with getting pregnant. I knew the minute I found this out that I would want to throw her the best baby shower that I could as soon as it was her special time, and with the help of three other great friends we pulled off a great shower for Amanda!

Lots of fun, and I couldn't be more happier for her! She is going to be a great mom and I cannot wait to meet sweet Colby and Clara!

On the same subject of sweet babies, I put together a gender reveal party for another friend, Megan, at work this week. She found out Monday morning if she was going to have a Mister or Misses and then at lunch time we had the big reveal. I decorated with orange and purple and thought the colors were great together! And... it's a BOY! She already has an ADORABLE little girl who is almost 2, so I couldn't be more excited for her as well!


The mustaches are a fun prop for anything in my opinion, I may just carry one around with me for everyday life. Also, those two (Claire and Lindsey) in the photo directly above are completely suspicious looking and I totally would not take candy from them.

Stay tuned for another photo dump of a fun 50th birthday party and the Styx concert pics that we took at the Rodeo!


the blogivers said...

You are such a thoughtful friend and creative shower thrower! Hope you enjoy your free weekend :)

The Joiners said...

Ditto to what Allison said! You are one of the best party planners/co-workers/friends there is!!

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