Friday, September 30, 2011


Yucky. I had my first wreck ever, and of course it was right outside my new job. I am ok and so was the other lady, thank goodness, and I was the one ticketed because the cop had no way to prove that she was driving like a bat out of hell. Thank goodness I have great insurance that booked me a rental car for first thing the next morning, and has called to check on my about 3 times. I have some war wounds on my arm and on my belly, and some weird bruising showed up on my belly yesterday. My neck was really sore but today it is much better.
So now I am driving like a 92 year that I would have had road rage with a month ago, going about 40 miles down the highway. I am super cautious, and I leave my cell phone IN my purse. If it rings, I will get to it whenever I get to my destination.
On a good note: it's Saturday and it's super cool outside, AND.. I have already done my grocery shopping for the week. I plan on cleaning, and cooking, and maybe taking down some Halloween decorations out of the attic.
Happy Saturday to you (:


The Joiners said...

Just glad you're ok!!

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