Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello... I'm Johnny Cash..

Well, I am not, but Matt was. For Halloween!

I was June Carter Cash of course, and Murray and Presley were our Folsom prisoners. Too cute!!! We dressed up for work on Friday the 30th, and then we went out on Saturday night. This was my first time EVER to go out on Halloween night, besides the usual Frat party thing- which was always fun, don't get me wrong. I had to do some arm twistin' to get Matt out there, but we had such a blast. First we watched the Texas game with family and friends at my Dad's house. My brother's friend, hell, he is my friend too dangit- PAUL!- sang with my brother at half time and they were unbelievable. He has the most amazing voice, gives you chills!! Afterwards, we went to Crockett Street in Beaumont with Matt, Kim, Seth, Amanda, Seth's friends, Matt's friends, and my Dad and Deb. Crockett Street is a few bars, clubs, resturants all together in a little strip center and they had a street dance type thing on Halloween night. The costumes were AWESOME. We saw anything from "Rock of Love" to "Oompa Loompa's". We came home and started immediately googling costumes for next year. We will have to bring it if we go out to Crockett Street again.
As far as baby making news goes, I really don't have any as of yet. I did try something new this month. It's a natural version of clomid, called Soy Isoflavones, which I took 200 mg of it on CD 5-9. Supposed to do the same thing clomid does. It did indeed help me ovulate on day 15, where I wasn't sure if Clomid ever had my ovulate, even with the trigger shot, but we shall see. I am definetely not getting my hopes up this month, but my temps have stayed up (it's CD 19 right now) and I will start taking my progesterone tonight *just in case*. Those little lines on the OPK sticks went from light to dark pretty quick. It was neat to see that, since I have yet to see that happen after all the years peeing on those things.
I do have a IF buddy, who is also a real life buddy who has been trying to get pregnant for quite a while and just announced on Facebook she was pregnant with TRIPLETS!! I am so happy for Meredith and her hubby. She is a wonderful person and will make a great mom to those sweet, sweet, THREE babies!
Hope everyone is having a great week so far! I work 5 days this week, 4 days next week (Taking off for New Moon, yes I know I am a dork) and 3 days the next week for Thanksgiving!! Yayy!!!


Marla said...

Always interesting to hear about new IF meds, even if they are herbs. And the fact that it worked so quick, truly impressed!

Heather said...

I know right? I did my research on it first because it made me nervous and sure enough loads of people got pregnant on their first try. Not expecting that of course, just happy I ovulated on my own!

Low Carb Daily said...

LOVE your costumes! You two make such a cute couple.

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