Once upon a time, a Saloon girl meets a real cute cowboy at a Saloon.. We will call it "Tombstop" (Not to be confused as GAMESTOP).. Cowboy wants nothing more than to steal her heart so he tries to get a job at "Tombstop"..
The Saloon girl interviews him for the job, but really feels like there could be *more* there than just a good Assistant Manager.. err... Cowboy.
Saloon girl does not hire him, and they fall in love because he tells the funniest cowboy jokes around. He puts a ring on her finger and the rest is history.
True Story.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Once upon a time...
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 10, 2011
Guess who's coming for dinner?
Well, the whole weekend actually..
Miss Sophie claps her hands now, and it is so cute to watch, and Karsen just had her 7th birthday and first slumber party! Love those girls (:
In other news, Red River Shootout (Texas/OU Game) happened this weekend.. This did not end well for my Longhorns, and as you probably know by now, means that my husband (OU Fan) gets to wear the pants this year.. for a whole year, until Texas wins again. Which really is just a silly joke because we all know who wear the pants. Right?
So, since there were no movies showing, and we went to dinner fairly early Saturday night, and were not ready to go home (and someone had an adult beverage at dinner and was super giggly) he chose to do this..
Yep. That says PSYCHIC READER. It was so weird. We drove up at this house, and there were two really really nice cars in the driveway. So for some reason this made us think that it was safe to just walk up to this place and walk in. Well, like I said it was someone's house, and there was a little girl that was sitting on the floor in the dark in the living room just staring at us. Not kidding.
There was a very small kitchen directly to our left, and there were pots left on the stove with some kind of food in them. It was really messy, and the little girl asked us if we wanted her to go get her mom. We told her yes, and her mother came around the corner hacking her lungs up, not covering her mouth, and asked us if she could help us.. My hilarious husband pops back with, "You don't already know?" and Drunky (me) starts laughing so hard. She told us she was really sick, and asked if we could come back tomorrow. We got the heck out of there and did not go back the next day, but we did talk about it all day and how much it creeped us out.
So, that my friends, is a Date night with the Durbs.
And then we came home and watched the Amanda Knox movie, and SNL of course.
In baby news, it's CD1 and my last cycle was only 32 days.. getting better!
That's all for now!
Have a wonderful week!
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Survey says...
B. Bed size: Queen- for some reason, this was one of the toughest decisions we had whenever we bought our furniture for our house. My 6 foot 6 husband probably needs a King bed, but my thoughts were that I did not want our someday child sleeping in bed with us, and if we had a Queen bed they wouldn't fit. I have heard of some couples having their 13 year olds sleep in bed with them, and I just did not ever want to get that started. Also, if we ever go to bed mad, we can't stay mad long because we are up in each others grill, and Matt is making weird noises that are being recorded. More on that later.
I. Instruments you play: I can totally rock the air guitar.
K. Kids: None, just the dogs
L. Live: Outside of Houston, Texas, in Humble (pronounced "Umble", please do not pronounce it Humble to my face)
N. Nicknames: H-Bomb
O. Overnight hospital stays: None thank goodness!
P. Pet peeves: I hate it when people stare, and I hate it people drive for miles and miles and miles down the road with their blinker on. I think it makes me more nausous to think that the blinker contraption thingy might be clicking inside their car and they do not hear it or it does not bother them.
S. Siblings: 2 brothers, 1 sister, three sister in laws, 2 brother in laws, and one sister in law on the way (:
Posted by The Durbin Blog at 8:49 AM 1 comments